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"Sparks for Change" by 3wPlanet

Our design, branding and web productions are dedicated to engage in raising questions: on choices we face as a civilization and their environmental and social impact.
Few "sparks for change" concepts below are in the most case born from concern, I hope they raise some questions on our current lifestyle and the future for all our children.
Please review and pass on so it can raise some discussions; deep changes are taking place in our societies today at an exponential speed, let’s talk about it:
[]  / [GreenTrash] / [DeadNot] / [FakeZook]

We also offer creative design and web development for selected clients.
visite [] [services] / [referrals] / [contact]


Words from Founder

Hello World, I am Alex, I have created 3wplanet in 1998, at that time internet was only emerging. At 3wplanet in the course couple of decades I have created hundreds of websites for a variety of businesses with a range of needs. In the design process I always kept in mind the size of the elements in use for bandwidth and server resources. Keeping the web slim from unnecessary energy consumption has always been an obvious choice.
Through the years the technology has evolved and changed extremely rapidly. The essence of creating web experiences with low energy consumption application definitely died with the emergence of CMS like WordPress and its templates. Bye, bye creativity hello standardize design for the mass with massive energy consumption per website.
I have personally taken a turn because of the rise of environmental issues that jeopardizes the future well-being of our specie. I am now concentrating on delivering original concepts projects that hopefully will raise questions on our civilization choices and for the future of our children.
Whether you like or dislike please share, comment and critique, we are all concerned!
Thank you for reading and visiting

Alex Lacorne
Founder 3wplanet /  Sparks for change 